Years ago, my husband and I bought an old house. Walking through and around the silent home, I knew it had a story it was waiting to tell. A story about the trees that loomed over its head and the birds that circled in its sky. A story about the earth that pressed in at its underbelly and the wind that snuck through its eaves. A story about the damp wetness spored on its papered walls and the people who had lived inside them.
As a pattern designer and restoration artist, my goal is to help tell my house’s story. Each new pattern I design finds inspiration in an old room. Before that room can be patterned, it must be restored. My husband and I work on the restoration process together: mending walls and trim, restoring windows, and removing old paint. As the years go by and the restoration process continues, I realize that my husband and I are no longer just helping to tell our house’s story; we have become a part of it.